
Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy, among other causes. Hemorrhoids may be located inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids), or they may develop under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).
Hemorrhoids are common ailments. By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids.


Causes of Hemorrhoid

The usual causes of hemorrhoids are genetic predisposition to weak vein walls and valves (Varicose veins) and straining during bowel movements. Other causes include pregnancy, portal hypertension and rectal cancer. Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and sitting for prolonged periods of time also contributes to its formation.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes drinking more fluids, eating a high fiber diet (fruits and vegetables, and whole unpolished cereals high in fiber), exercising, practicing better posture, and avoiding prolonged straining to pass stools. Fiber supplement) and plenty of fluids to keep the stools soft and stress reduction by meditation and relaxation therapy are basic requirements for effective treatment and prevention of recurrence.


Symptoms of Hemorrhoid

The most common symptoms of both internal and external hemorrhoids include:

  • Bleeding during bowel movements. You might see streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper after you strain to have a bowel movement.
  • Itching.
  • Rectal pain. It may be painful to clean the anal area.


Hemorrhoid Treatment

Methods listed below are applicable only to internal (inside the anus) hemorrhoid in early stages of formation.

  • Rubber band ligation
  • Sclerotherapy (injection therapy)
  • Cryosurgery
  • Laser, infrared or BICAP coagulation

Some surgical methods called hemorrhoidectomy are applicable to both external and internal hemorrhoids in advanced stages of development.

A laser hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that employs laser energy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. When this treatment is applied, a medical laser is used to heat the problematic vein, which essentially causes them to collapse and disintegrate. Often, people opt for laser hemorrhoidectomy treatments because they can be used to treat several affected veins at the same time, without pain or a lengthy treatment time. Additionally, patients who have laser treatments for hemorrhoids do not usually spend a lot of time recovering. In most cases, they can return to their normal activities soon after treatment.
There are various options for those who need treatment for hemorrhoids, including traditional surgery. Many people prefer laser treatment, however. Some of the reasons for this may include the fact that laser hemorrhoid treatment is associated with less bleeding since there is no scalpel involved. In fact, laser hemorrhoid treatment is usually pain-free.


Fissure, Fistula and Pilonidal Sinus

Laser treatment for similar problems such as fissure, fistulae and pilonidal sinus is also used (you can see the difinitions in the following). The use of lasers to treat such problems caused shorter and easier recovery time and after a short time, patients can return to their daily activities.



Anal fissure is a crack or tear in the skin at the anus. It may cause severe pain after defecation and bright red bleeding. These are often thought to be due to piles. Anal fissures are common in: Women after childbirth; High strung anxious stressed out individuals; those on low fiber diet who strain to pass hard stools.



Anal fistula is a tunnel underneath the skin of the anus. It forms when an anal infection is left inadequately treated, leading to pus formation (Anal abscess) and later fistula. This presents as a recurrent swelling near the anus which spontaneously opens out to cause intermittent discharge of pus, sometimes blood stained.


Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal literally means ‘nest of hairs’ in Latin. A pilonidal disease/ infection/ abscess/ cyst/ sinus (PNS) is a common problem of young men and less often women. Pilonidal disease is associated with visible pits in the midline of the natal cleft and is more common among the profusely sweating hirsute, the obese, and those with sedentary occupation or who travel a lot. It occurs in the cleavage between the buttocks (natal cleft). Initially it may be a painless lump or swelling. It often causes discomfort, embarrassment and absence from work. When infected it causes pain and discharge.



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